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Chorizo mozzarella gnocchi bak

Easy recipes chorizo mozzarella gnocchi bake
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 Chorizo mozzarella gnocchi bak

Chorizo & mozzarella gnocchi bake


1 tbsp olive oil

1 onion, finely cleaved

2 garlic cloves, squashed

120g chorizo, diced

2 x 400g jars cleaved tomatoes

1 tsp caster sugar

600g new gnocchi

125g mozzarella ball, cut into pieces

little pack of basil, torn

green plate of mixed greens, to serve



Stage 1

Heat the oil in a medium container over a medium intensity. Broil the onion and garlic for 8-10 mins until delicate. Add the chorizo and broil for 5 mins more. Tip in the tomatoes and sugar, and season. Bring to a stew, then, at that point, add the gnocchi and cook for 8 mins, blending frequently, until delicate. Heat the barbecue to high.

Stage 2

Mix ¾ of the mozzarella and the majority of the basil through the gnocchi. Split the blend between six ovenproof ramekins, or put in one baking dish. Top with the excess mozzarella, then barbecue for 3 mins, or until the cheddar is softened and brilliant. Season, disperse over the leftover basil and present with green serving of mixed greens.

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