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T-rex on the Bus Neo Wants to Have a Pet Dinosaur Song Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs BabyBus Free Direct Download Link and online cartoon watching

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 T-rex with a big mouth, the fast runner Struthiomimus, and Brachiosaurus with a long neck.  Enjoy this funny kids song and learn dinosaurs with Neo

T-rex on the Bus Neo Wants to Have a Pet Dinosaur Song Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs BabyBus online cartoon watching

T-rex on the bus and dinosaur nursery rhymes kids songs babybus online cartoon watching and Free Direct Download Link


Hey, there, Tyrannosaurus. 

You're my buddy pet.              

Hey, there, Tyrannosaurus.               

Big mouth, sharp teeth. 

Big mouth, Tyrannosaurus.

Big mouth, Tyrannosaurus.


Hey, there, Tyrannosaurus.

You're my buddy pet. 

Hey, there, Tyrannosaurus.

Big mouth, sharp teeth.  

Big mouth, Tyrannosaurus.

Big mouth, Tyrannosaurus. 


Hey, there, Struthiomimus.

You're my buddy pet. 

Hey, there, Struthiomimus.

Fast runner dino. 

Fast runner, Struthiomimus.

Fast runner, Struthiomimus.


Hey, there, Struthiomimus.

You're my buddy pet. 

Hey, there, Struthiomimus.

Fast runner dino. 

Fast runner,Struthiomimus.

Fast runner, Struthiomimus.


Hey, there, Brachiosaurus.

You're my buddy pet. 

Hey, there, Brachiosaurus.

Awesome long neck. 

Long neck, Brachiosaurus.

Long neck, Brachiosaurus.


Hey, there, Brachiosaurus.

You're my buddy pet. 

Hey, there, Brachiosaurus.

Awesome long neck.  

Long neck, Brachiosaurus. 

Long neck, Brachiosaurus. 

My pet, Dinosaurs!


Enjoy watching BabyBus songs and cartoons! 💕 👶 💕

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BabyBus has released four best albums for kids! Best Car Songs, Best Food Songs, Super Rescue Team, and Classics for Kids!

All the music is available on Spotify, Apple Music, and more!

🎵 Spotify:

🍎Apple Music:


#kidssong #nurseryrhymes #cartoon #kidscartoon #babybus #babycartoon #cartoonforkids #toddlers #forkids #kidsvideos #childrensongs #babysongs #kidssong #songsforkids  #singalong


At BabyBus, our goal is to make learning a fun and imaginative experience for kids aged 2 - 6 by creating classic nursery rhymes, kid songs, and stories with 2D & 3D animations.


In the BabyBus world, KiKi, Miumiu, and their friends inspire kids to experience true friendship, care, creativity, and imagination in a fun and smart way. Through our songs and animations, kids around the world can learn about colors, letters, life skills, good habits, safety tips, and more in a fun and educational way.


In the eyes of Kiki and Miumiu, all things are alive: you can talk to animals, you can make friends with vehicles... All the activities can be enjoyed, you can experience different occupations, you can go everywhere... All the unknowns are interesting: what will be in space? Are there aliens on earth?... Join Kiki and Miumiu for the exploration of this world together!

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